I saw it go up as a child/ Four corners hide a lucky coin A publication of stills and an extract of the libretto from ROMANTIC IRELAND (2024) Eimear Walshe’s...
'The Piper’s Grip', is a tender and reverent account of the homo-erotics of an Irish music session. In the tradition of Irish musical bawdry, this story portrays a man’s ecstatic...
Jeff Gibson’s relationship to art could hardly be described as narrow in its focus. For the best part of forty years, the Australian artist’s output has spanned continents and approaches,...
Very little about the photobooth experience has changed since its inception in the early twentieth century. There is a particular charm to its inherent simplicity and repetition. The framing is...
Memory is inherently porous and complex, as is memoriam. Our dealings with recollection and loss are personal, familial, and communal in their ambit. They shift and reshape with every conversation,...
Irish Summers vereint eine Auswahl von Bildern, die Harry Gruyaert auf Reisen nach Irland im Zeitraum 1983-84 gemacht hat. Während einige dieser Fotografien in einer Reihe früherer Projekte und Bücher...
Hell's Gates: Notre Damned, An Act of God ist ein limitierter Ergänzungsband zum Buch Hell's Gates des in Melbourne ansässigen Designers und Verlegers Tim Coghlan aus dem Jahr 2018 ,...