Da sich jede Ausgabe um ein einzelnes Thema dreht, ist das MacGuffin-Magazin eine Plattform für Fans inspirierender, persönlicher, unerwarteter, höchst vertrauter oder völlig unbeachteter Dinge. Sie gilt weithin als fabelhaft...
With each issue based around a single object, MacGuffin magazine is a platform for fans of inspiring, personal, unexpected, highly familiar or utterly disregarded things. Widely recognized as a fabulously...
With each issue based around a single object, MacGuffin magazine is a platform for fans of inspiring, personal, unexpected, highly familiar or utterly disregarded things. Widely recognized as a fabulously designed and...
On the occasion of the temporary design studio MacGuffin organised with Archief Cairo, ten Egyptian and Syrian designers, artists, anthropologists and photographers went in search of the meaning and...