Von der tickenden biologischen Uhr gehetzt, in der Schwangerschaft bevormundet, bei der Geburt ignoriert, durch emotionale Arbeit belastet, für jede Unvollkommenheit verurteilt und gezwungen, entweder gehegte Ambitionen aufzugeben oder ständige Schuldgefühle zu ertragen: Irgendwie ist dies für Mütter in den Zwanzigern zur alltäglichen Realität geworden -erstes Jahrhundert.
Dieses scharfsinnige und lebenswichtige Buch fragt, warum Mütter idealisiert und dennoch so schlecht behandelt werden, warum der Gleichheitsgrundsatz bei der Kinderbetreuung so spektakulär ins Wanken gerät und warum Mütter so zurückhaltend sind, wenn es darum geht, Forderungen zu stellen. Eliane Glaser schlägt vor, was wir tun müssen, um die Weichen zu stellen und die Kindererziehung für alle zu verbessern.
Herausgegeben von 4th Estate Weiche Abdeckung 320 Seiten 130 x 199 mm ISBN 9780008311919
'BITS Magazine' is a joint collaboration between partners Marl and Isla, who set out to create an illustration magazine with puzzles, games and activities, reminiscent of the magazines we had...
'Ties That Bind – Fictions, Orthodoxies and Interdependencies' is an anthology that rethinks attachment and social power relations within family, state, friendship, identities and communities through passion, intoxication, exhaustion, desire,...
Sharon Slater is Historian-in-Residence at Ormston House. She has been researching the history of life in Limerick for over twenty years, and holds an MA in Local History from...
Vital Signs is a collection of powerful and courageous responses to the human experience of illness and healing. Representing the best of contemporary and classic poetry, Vital Signs is a book for our...
I saw it go up as a child/ Four corners hide a lucky coin A publication of stills and an extract of the libretto from ROMANTIC IRELAND (2024) Eimear Walshe’s...
'The Piper’s Grip', is a tender and reverent account of the homo-erotics of an Irish music session. In the tradition of Irish musical bawdry, this story portrays a man’s ecstatic...
Jeff Gibson’s relationship to art could hardly be described as narrow in its focus. For the best part of forty years, the Australian artist’s output has spanned continents and approaches,...
Very little about the photobooth experience has changed since its inception in the early twentieth century. There is a particular charm to its inherent simplicity and repetition. The framing is...