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Published by Book*hug & tall-lighthouse
80 pages
156 x 205 mm
ISBN 9781771664677
Where, the Mile End is Irish poet Julie Morrissy’s debut collection, embodying an energetic lyricism that whips through Europe and North America with humour, curiosity and distinct edginess. A subtle vulnerability lurks as Morrissy engages themes of transition and development, tracking patterns of emotional, physical, and geographical change. The poet builds an intimate world, linking the vitality of two continents, and tightly holding the reader to the snow, the streets, and the sensual memories embroidered throughout this collection. Where, the Mile End reimagines the places we inhabit, the moments we remember, and the things we long for.
Published by Book*hug & tall-lighthouse
80 pages
156 x 205 mm
ISBN 9781771664677