Art Bookshop Ireland


Artworks (462)

Aidan Kelly, No Ordinary Love


Aindreas Scholz, Clearing I


Aisling McCoy, C19:II:XIII from Studies in Time and Distance


Alan Crowley, Bypassed


Amy O'Riordan, Bellona


Amy O'Riordan, Plumage


Andrew Edgar, Recursive reactions: Venetian railings


Andrew Edgar, Recursive relations: bird spikes & local flora


Andrew Edgar, Unfinished stories: Venetian railings (recursion)


Aoife Cawley, Arrival


Berta Mars, Loves me, Loves me not


Berta Mars, Sundown on a Summer Day


Bic Lighter - Omey Island, Kevin Griffin (Signed, Unframed)


Billy Kenrick, From 'Seasons Numbered by the Inward Sun' I


Billy Kenrick, From 'Seasons Numbered by the Inward Sun' II


Billy Kenrick, From 'The Very End of Everything' (Diptych)


Billy Kenrick, Verge I


Billy Kenrick, Verge II


Billy Kenrick, Verge III


Billy Kenrick, Verge: Waves (Grid)


Billy Kenrick, Water / Motion / Study


Billy Woods, 24 Karat Cadillac


Billy Woods, Connecticut 2am


Billy Woods, Kilclief Beach


Billy Woods, Nashville Party Switch


Billy Woods, Wax and Wane


Brian Giles (Sonofafox), Electrolight


Brian Giles (Sonofafox), Spring Lillies


Brian Masterson, Hinterland


Bronagh Lee, Dreamer


Bronagh Lee, Golden Song Book


Bronagh Lee, Into the Deep


Bronagh Lee, The Dinos


Bronagh Lee, The Field


Bronagh Lee, The Space Between


Bronagh Lee, The Vase


Bronagh Lee, Trees


Brooklyn I, Kevin Griffin (Signed, Unframed)


Brooklyn II, Kevin Griffin (Signed, Unframed)


Bryan Hogan, Fireworks


Bryan Hogan, Souvenir


Cáit Fahey, Melt


Caitriona Dunnett, Cruach Tairbeirt


Caitriona Dunnett, Lady's Island Lake


Caitriona Dunnett, St. Helen's Bay


Caitriona Dunnett, The Range


CANVAZ, Orange man Farmer


CANVAZ, Sssssh


CANVAZ, Sunflowers


Caoimhe Dalton, Lover's Leap


Caoimhe Dalton, Man at a Window


Caoimhe Dalton, Man at a Window (ghost)


Caoimhe Dalton, Man working in front of a window


Caoimhe Dalton, Praying Man


Caoimhe Dalton, Smiling woman holding a dead bird


Caoimhe Dalton, Smiling woman holding a dead bird (ghost)


Caoimhe Dalton, Smugglers Cave


Chris Finnegan, The Grammar of Home


Chris Finnegan, The Grammar of Home (Blocks)


Chris Finnegan, The Grammar of Home (Funnels)


Chris Finnegan, The Grammar of Home (House of Cards)


Chris Finnegan, The Grammar of Home (Mobile Home)


Ciarán Crowe, Alphonso's Chair


Ciarán Crowe, Cauda Equina


Ciarán Crowe, Cauda Equina Study


Ciarán Crowe, Rubbish of Light


Ciarán Crowe, VASE


Ciarán Crowe, Wise men from Fools


Ciarán Meister, Postcard from Barbados


Ciarán Meister, Postcard from Ribadesella


Ciarán Meister, Postcard from Santa Barbara


Ciarán Meister, Postcard from Tucson


Ciaran Óg Arnold, Untitled #2 from I Went to the Worst of Bars...


Clare Blackwell, Ochre Leaves


Clare Blackwell, Symphony-Blue and Green


Colleen Eilís Murphy, Choice


Colleen Eilís Murphy, Chosen


Coney Island - Brooklyn, Kevin Griffin (Signed, Unframed)


Conn McCarrick, Looking Towards the Sun #1


Conn McCarrick, Looking Towards the Sun #2


Conor Horgan, Edge No. 5


Daniel Holfeld, Blue


Darby Arens, Clouds


Darby Arens, Have You Tried?


Darby Arens, Out of Sight...


David Farrell, Boy, Dublin, Sometime in the Early Nineties


David Killeen, Islay, Hebrides, Scotland


David Willis, Burger


David Willis, Flowers


David Willis, Juno


David Willis, Mr. Tubs Forever


Dee Byrne, Embroidered Leaf


Derbhla Leddy, Notebooks


Derbhla Leddy, Pierrot Echo


Derbhla Leddy, Solace


Derbhla Leddy, The Petrified Forest


Derbhla Leddy, Unearth


Dervla Clarke, Brigid’s Cross: Pink and Green


Dervla Clarke, Brigid’s Cross: Pink and Orange


Dervla Clarke, Green + Yellow Shapes 02


Dervla Clarke, Green + Yellow Shapes 02A


Dervla Clarke, Green + Yellow Shapes 02B


Dervla Clarke, Green Yellow Shapes


Dervla Clarke, Shamrock, Blue+Green


Dervla Clarke, Shamrock, Pink+Dark Blue


Dervla Clarke, Shamrock, Pink+Green


Dianne Whyte, Tree Lines


Diego Fabro, Chinelo River


Diego Fabro, Reverie #21


Dolores Ros Huesca, Diente mágico


Dolores Ros Huesca, Hueso de perra


Dolores Ros Huesca, Una menos


Dominic Turner, Escape Route #23


Dominic Turner, Misleading


Dominic Turner, Personal Landscape


Dominic Turner, Severed Landscape


Donal Kelly, Keeper's Hut, Inverbeg, Connemara, Galway


Donal Kelly, Small-flower Sweet Briar, Connemara, Galway


Eamonn Doyle, AS IF (1)


Eamonn Doyle, AS IF (2)


Eamonn Doyle, AS IF (3)


Eamonn Doyle, TWO


Éanna de Fréine, Tales from Beneath the Arches 1


Éanna de Fréine, Tales from Beneath the Arches 2


Early Train, Angel Luis Gonzalez


Eimhin Farrell, Tangled Branches with Hooded Crow


Elize de Beer, Examining the Archive


Elize de Beer, Post-Patriarchal


Elize de Beer, Redacting I


Ellen Blair, Bluebell woods


Ellen Blair, Holo Dreams


Ellen Blair, Rainbow Rose


Ellen Blair, Seaweed Sun


Ellen Blair, Wildflower meadow


Emilia Rigaud, Bodies of Water


Emily McGardle, Arse Lickers


Emily McGardle, Conversation Buddy


Emily McGardle, Hot Takes


Emily McGardle, Is cróga an luch a dhéanann a nead i gcluas cait (It's a brave mouse that nestles in a cat's ear)


Emily McGardle, Suckz 2-B-U


Emily McKeagney, Equinox, Loughcrew Cairn S


Enda Burke, Aqua Bobo


Enda Burke, Bobo Watching TV


Fiona Hackett, Camino Gato


Fiona Hackett, La Brea Tar Pits


Fiona-Louise Ntidendereza, Dunk me under water, I'll come out the same... Baptize


Fiona-Louise Ntidendereza, Soft, Resilient


Francesca Ogbuachi, 22, Greenyard, 4th route M.L


Francesca Ogbuachi, 5th, Aldo


Francesca Ogbuachi, Fearfully Young


Frankie Malone, Summertime


Frankie Malone, Train


Freddie Stevens, Anemone


Freddie Stevens, Daisy


Freddie Stevens, Dried Thistle


Freddie Stevens, Montbretia
