Art Bookshop Ireland

Latest Arrivals & Restocked

Ireland's Art Bookshop

Latest Arrivals (114)

Flower Drama, Sofya Mikhaylova


Remnant, Willie Doherty


A delicate bond which is also a gap, Isabel Nolan


Stir the Pot


Pig Pen, Rory Mullen


Swimming a Long Way Together, Vanessa Daws


A True Record, Grace Wilentz and Jane Cummins


A not so final resting pose, Ann Maria Healy


Observation Alters Observed, Hannah McKenna


Looking for a Sign: Contemporary Art, Magic, and Language, Kerry Guinan


Process In Progress: Faces, Spaces and Figures (signed), Nathan G. Lowry


Greetings from the Countryside (Strong Emotions), Laura Fitzgerald


Hoods (Signed), Michael Goldrei


Voice Tracking, Megan Hadfield


The Blue Rooms, Tracy Staunton


Words about Words: A Lexicographer’s List, Éilís Murphy


Backgarden Trilogy, Irina Gheorghe


GOT DAMP, Avril Corroon


Take hold, Rachel Botha (Ed.)


From Ten Till Dusk, CristĂ­n Leach


As We See It: Artists Redefining Black History, Aida Amoaka


History of Modern Design, 3rd Edition, David Raizman


Charles Peterson's Nirvana


Mixed Signals, kennedy+swan


Delphi Demons, kennedy+swan


It Woke Me From My Sleep, John Busher


A Table Of Books in Ballybeg, Simon Cutts and Erica Van Horn


Four Trees, Joan Roth


Cork City, Peter Downsbrough


Street Signs, Peter Downsbrough


Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, Simon Cutts and Maud Cotter


Shelf Life, Drew Waters


Zebra’s Afterimage, Alice Rekab and Stephen Rekab


The Importance of an Afternoon Nap at the Paperwork Hotel, E.S. Kibele Yarman


Asemiquads, Jaap Blonk


Fuerzas y cuerpos, Paula Artés


You can see me, but I don't exist, Alan Gignoux


Chronological Discoveries, Steven L. Gibbs


An Offering, No Name Girl


OOO, Juliette Liautaud


The House of Raw Matter, Niek van de Steeg and Valérie Cudel


2/ 5 Series 2021, Cécile Bart, Gianni Pettena, Isa Melsheimer, Ernst Caramelle and and Valérie Cudel


2/ 5 Series - 2020, John Armleder, Ana Jotta, William Kentridge, Teo Schifferl and and Valérie Cudel


Object Amnesic: A Compost Manifesto, Henrik Strömberg & Jens Soneryd


Non correre, Aldo Frezza


Ten Exhibits, Sveinn Fannar JĂłhannsson


My Name Is, Sveinn Fannar JĂłhannsson


Why + AI + Art, Sveinn Fannar JĂłhannsson


Come per magia, Nan Tarpey Heyneman


A Narrow Scene of Hypothetical Circumstances, Sveinn Fannar JĂłhannsson


Atlas of Voids, Kathleen Alisch


The Fold, Fleur van Dodewaard


Geomancy, Aoife Scott


Von Ort Zu Ort, Thorsten Baensch & Norbert Schöbel


Galeb, Matija Brumen


Peace Dance, Sanne Katainen


Brasil, paĂ­s do futuro, Carla Zaccagnini


Quema los diarios, Moyra Davey


Kleine Löwen, Tim G


Promis, Tim G


March 2019 (one month), Tim G


7 AM, Tereza Kozinc & Klavdij Sluban


Emdiland II.., Philip Emde


24072020, Tim G




Then and There: Mardi Gras 1979, Harvey Stein


Homesick, Sara J. Winston


After Geography, Andrew Fedynak


Six Cinder Blocks on Top of a Wall, Justin Fiset


Zero Line Boundary, Robert Lyons


Souvenirs, Michael Weißköppel


Safe Secret Burrow, CulitomatĂłn


2020, BrĂĄulio Amado


A Dying Monster, Eren Ileri


Soft Soil, Olivia Fiddes


Petit Oiseau, Jatinder Singh Durhailay & Suren Seneviratne


Direct Into Chaos, Aleen Solari


Bjuda, Giola Cassar


Hastening the Volcano, Isoje Chou


I hAvE movEd oN To oThEr ThiNgs, Satoshi Nakamoto


Surviving Disappointment, Stefania Carlotti


Auditing Intimacy, Office for Joint Administrative Intelligence


Google Earth Book, Teresa Mayr


nel buio piĂč acceso, Klim Kutsevksyy


A lit candle lit the following and..., Duccio Doretti


IRONIC TURNS, Rainer Noebauer-Kammerer


Loungeaffairs #5: MeeresFrĂŒchte (Fruits of the sea), Christian von Alvensleben


Scarico, Demented Urania


A distributed sadness, Petter Buhagen


Cheat Sheet, JĂșlĂ­a HermannsdĂłttir


Mehrfamilienhaus, Alice Rekab


A is for Allah, Sebastian Utzni


Eva, Fabian Fink


Ankommen, Malte Uchtmann


Sammys, Adriana Monsalve and Caterina Ragg


ﻋïșŒïș’ï»ŽÙ€Ű© BUNCH, Noura Tafeche and Caterina Ragg


Working Men Have No Country


It's Not What It Looks Like, Ana Segovia


ContemporĂąnea #9


Care | Contagion | Community — Self & Other


Grammar, Roseanne Lynch (Signed)


Numbered Editions 2: Exit. Music. Lights.


The Long Mirror, Sinéad Curran and Jane Locke


Curling up with Reality, Isabel Nolan


Gather, Niamh O'Malley


Throw Away: Nightclub Flyers 1990–99, Ciarán Nugent & Peter Maybury


A Special Area of ConVersation, Mary Conroy and Joanna Hopkins


Crossing, Dorothy Cross


Numbered Editions 1: figure | ground




Paper Visual Art Journal: Everything is Somewhere Else


A History of Head Trauma, Laura Fitzgerald


One Here Now: The Brian O’Doherty / Patrick Ireland Project


The Book of Black, Faye Dowling
