Aida Silvestri explores new approaches of documentary photography to address potent current issues of culture, ethnicity, identity, health and politics.In this newspaper, two of her series addressing themes of human...
A new anthology bringing together ten artist commissions and twenty-two texts from Autograph’s commissioning programme Care | Contagion | Community — Self & Other.Initiated during the first national lockdown in...
Born in 1929 in Accra, James Barnor is considered a pioneer of Ghanaian photography. His career covers a remarkable period in history, bridging continents and photographic genres to create a...
This newspaper commemorates the 50th anniversary of the death of Frantz Fanon, and considers his continuing relevance to the lives of Algerians on the eve of the anniversary of Independence....
Autograph's newspaper features images from Zanele Muholi's ongoing series Somnyama Ngonyama, alongside 20 texts exploring and responding to this powerful work. In more than 70 photographs, visual activist Zanele Muholi...