Following the example of French and British railway companies, C.P. (Portuguese Railways) built houses and social facilities between 1910-20, to support its employees and their families. Key projects implemented during...
“Brasil, país do futuro” (Brazil, Land of the Future) is almost an axiom, an automatic enouncing, something like “Paris, City of Light” or “New York, the Big Apple”. Epithets that...
ArybookLast March 2022, Lola Lasurt (Barcelona, 1983) presented Ensayo para Deep Song (Centro Federico García Lorca, Granada), an exhibition project in which the Catalan artist starts from the choreography Deep...
This work was created by combining aerial views of Spain obtained from “Google Earth” and extracts from Ramón María del Valle Inclán’s “Bohemian Lights”.Valle Inclán’s play, published in 1920, reflects...
The work of artist Moyra Davey (Toronto, 1958) has traditionally been related to photography, film and video. However, her book Quema los diarios (November 2020) shows how literature and writing...
Artist’s book Timelines (April, 2014) by Lia Perjovschi illustrates a chronology of events built by the juxtaposition of images and text that shape the subjective history of the world from...