The world today faces overwhelming ecological and social problems and the concern for material existence on earth is more pressing than ever. Making Matters spells out various roles that visual...
Effigy hanging and burning, a specific theatrical form of political protest, has become increasingly visible in the news media, particularly in protests against United States military operations in Afghanistan and...
Capitalism could not exist without the coins, notes, documents, graphics, interfaces, branding and advertisements; artefacts that have been (partly) created by graphic designers. Even anti-consumerist strategies such as social design...
Conceptual Art in a Curatorial Perspective: Between Dematerialization and Documentation focuses on the curatorial practice of exhibiting conceptual art. The fact that conceptual works are not object-based, creates challenges in...
Failed Images: Photography and its Counter-Practices tries to understand photography in its difference from the reality it shows. It sets as a task to analyse the different ways the photograph transforms...
‘Feminisms’ (as a plural) is widely used today to draw attention to inequalities and to critique the status quo in limiting women’s roles/ positions/ lives/ potential. Art can offer a...
The last copy is reduced in price due to slight damage on the cover. What is the future of the book? And, specifically, what is the future of books on art,...
The world today faces overwhelming ecological and social problems and the concern for material existence on earth is more pressing than ever. Making Matters spells out various roles that visual...
There is a growing interest in fungi and mycelium as a material, the ever-branching connecting threads of the fungal world. The entanglements and how this rhizomatic network functions is not...
The world today faces overwhelming ecological and social problems and the concern for material existence on earth is more pressing than ever. Making Matters spells out various roles that visual...
Motherhood is a theme that stands at the core of life, but has nevertheless been kept in the private sphere for a long time, haunted by clichés, stigmas and myths....
The Covid-19 crisis teaches us how priceless human nearness is. Art and education can't do without it either. Like works of art, people lose their aura when kept at digital...
The current ecological crisis will transform the face and fate of cities. Neighbourhoods for the Future is based on the conviction that we should rethink cities from the ambit of...
For centuries, the garden has been regarded as a mirror of society, a microcosm, in which the broader relationships between nature and culture are played out on small scale. From...
‘A pacifist is a rare beast in a bomb shelter.’ The war in Ukraine challenged our idea of pacifism. Should Europe take up arms or not? Can it ease its...
'Visual artist’ is a term with untold interpretations, nuances, variations and meanings. But how, as an artist (or designer, photographer, or other ‘independent creator’), do you become who you are...
Productive Archiving discusses a variety of problems archival organizations. It mainly focuses on the following three issues with archival organizations that are usually overlooked: first, the question of inclusion in...
Productive Archiving discusses a variety of problems archival organizations. It mainly focuses on the following three issues with archival organizations that are usually overlooked: first, the question of inclusion in...
Queer Exhibition Histories comprises case studies highlighting the countless efforts, both large and small, of LGBTQIA+ artists and curators, centering on queer art exhibitions and their modes of documentation and...
Sculpture as a specific medium is rarely investigated within a deeply cultural, philosophical context, nor within visual art itself. Whilst discussions about installation art, performance art, or other 3D art...
Since the Me Too movement, masculine exercise of power, and sexual abuse have been widely brought under close scrutiny. The focus on ‘toxic’ masculinity impacts our perception of male sexuality,...
The aftermath of the Covid restrictions, mental problems, being confronted with the influx of people with a different background and culture, the alienation of ourselves and of others, not being...
Explores different perspectives on the value of architecture Looks at inherent cultural and historical value and how to link to economic value Sparks the discussion on heritage with new content...
Sparks art practices, art education and creativity by setting inspiring frameworks and questions Stimulates cooperation and cross-disciplinary thinking and practising Funny, crazy, awe-inspiring, poetical, bold; in its bandwidth a truly...
How can art, science and institutional practices counteract the negative consequences of climate and ecological breakdown? How can these practices and ideas advance systemic change? Worlding Ecologies serves as an...