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Delving deeply into home, work, style and culture, Kinfolk promotes quality of life and connects a global community of creative professionals from London to Tokyo.Published by Kinfolk.
This winter, Kinfolk reaches a new milestone of its 50th issue. To celebrate, the issue is dedicated to community and fellow-feeling. We meet inspiring groups of people near and far who’ve come together to connect, create, collaborate and care for one another. We speak with Vivien Sansour, who runs a seed bank outside of Bethlehem, where she works with local farmers to preserve heirloom seeds and, in turn, Palestine’s cultural heritage. In California, we meet the Old Gays—a group of gay elders whose later-in-life friendships and popularity on social media have made them curators of generational knowledge on a massive scale. We join Velociposse—a group of women, trans and nonbinary people—for a leisurely cycle around London, and visit the oldest Quaker meeting house still in use, where people come together to worship in silence.
192 pages
230 x 297 mm
ISBN 72527429294350