Art Bookshop Ireland
Lampoon 25: The Transparency Issue
Lampoon 25: The Transparency Issue
Lampoon 25: The Transparency Issue
Lampoon 25: The Transparency Issue
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  • SKU: L25TTI01
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Lampoon 25: The Transparency Issue

€15.00 €24.00
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Lampoon is a magazine with an editorial identity based on respect for all human diversity. We support anyone who wants to bring a positive message of civic and social engagement. To construct our narrative, we investigate contemporary aesthetics. We produce editorial photography by bringing creativity and fashion in progress, challenging the state of the art.

The Transparency Issue was released at the end of March 2022. It is concerned with chronicles and reportages in the cultural fields: fashion, design, crafting, and creativity. Available exclusively in target concept stores, newsstands, and bookshops.

Cancel Culture is the market force’s latest attempt to annihilate the masses: a battle that has been going on since the Middle Ages. When Transparency is called for, we seem to assume a lack of Honesty. It should be taken for granted – as long as it refers to practices of common sense and fairness. What we are demanding is transparency in messaging, in stories and narratives, in intentions, in advantages and benefits. Everything can and should be revealed; there is nothing that is hidden that will remain so.

Featured in Lampoon 25: Daniel Roché and Niki Pauls’ watching Lolita waiting for a war scene; Isabelle Wenzel’s investigations of abstract forms of the body and mimesis; Marie Tomanova’s cumming, not coming: a tribute to womanhood, comradery, and soulmates; Florence Mann’s pure shores: an ode to the dark romance of the pre-Raphaelites; Ruggiero Cafagna’s humanist realism that exhibits our fragilities and sensuality; Menelik Puryear’s portrayal of a magical world; Spyros Rennt and Roberto Patella’s playful nudity; Alex Black’s collection of Montrealer creativity; and tales of Honesty and Transparency by Rasmus Weng Karlsen; Javier Ruiz; Jack Johnstone and Armando Bruno; Pascale Arnaud; Louis de Roffignac.

Published by Lampoon Magazine
436 pages
242 x 332 mm
ISBN 2420798520025




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