Art Bookshop Ireland
Fruit Fly, Roksana Parvanova
Fruit Fly, Roksana Parvanova
Fruit Fly, Roksana Parvanova
Fruit Fly, Roksana Parvanova
Fruit Fly, Roksana Parvanova
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  • SKU: FFRP01
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Fruit Fly, Roksana Parvanova

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  The photobook ‘FruitFly’ is a collection of series of film and digital photographs shot in Bulgaria, the artist’s homeland. A photographic documentary collection of observations in the artist’s home, embracing ephemeral elements and feelings of loss. The artist explores her home with new eyes, like she is experiencing it for the first time
through the lens of grief. The house has turned into a time capsule of ‘now’ and ‘before’. Shots are recorded during the golden hour – sunset and sunrise, in order to emphasize on the ephemeral nature of life, while the medium of photography contradicts it. The documentation outlives the lives of the mortals and turns them into immortal through memory. There’s no faces in the photos, yet there is portraits of objects and furniture, things that became functionless with their ‘owner’s’ absence. There are limbs and hair, now and then, alluding a presence of a human
being. Hints of human bodies are in a entangled relationship with the objects around the house, portrayed in the poems written next to the photos. ‘The Man’ is the protagonist, speaking and living through the physicality of the objects. Plants, the Golden hour, the pregnant cat, the bread-making, the dusty-mouldy objects around the house create a visual language and diary that helps expression of confusing thoughts and feelings of grief. However, the tradition (bread making) as a repetition, pregnant cat, sunset and sunrise remind us that everything is temporary
and part of a life cycle that will keep repeating itself until eternity. The photographs remind us how mortal we are and how through documentation and remembrance we can turn the mortal into immortal. The photobook ‘FruitFly’ serves as a therapeutic tool for the artist and the viewers/readers who have also experienced loss and struggle to express, visualize or communicate it.

Self Published
64 pages

210 x 300 mm




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