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Lampoon 27: The RuVido Issue
Lampoon 27: The RuVido Issue
Lampoon 27: The RuVido Issue
Lampoon 27: The RuVido Issue
Lampoon 27: The RuVido Issue
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Lampoon 27: The RuVido Issue

€15.00 €24.00
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Lampoon 27 looks for imperfections, impurities, paradoxes, distortions, human realities. From this word ‘rough’ – RUVIDO – comes our cultural narrative and visual context. Lampoon respects, is committed, and supports anyone who speaks about human diversity. This is the editorial identity of Lampoon.

At Lampoon, this issue looks for all that is ‘rough’ — starting with natural fibers and discarding synthetic ones, they look for imperfections, for impurities, such as details of toil and reality, for materials that can breathe, never plastic. From here, from this word ‘rough’, comes a cultural narrative and a visual context. Both vanity and roughness form when we sit on the throne, but when we rise after falling down in the dark and dirt. We are made of toil and sweat, body hairs, love and hurt, hard skin.

Lampoon 27 features works by: Vanessa Beecroft., Gary Card, Marie-Laure Cérède, Alex Huanfa Cheng, Benoît Debie, Floriana Hetz, Thomas Hirschhorn, Daniel King, Tom Kneller, Jacqueline Landvik,  Olivia Malone, Tess McMillan, Tereza Mundilova, Hari Nef, Gaspar Noé, Pierre Rainero, Spyros Rennt, Paul Mpagi Sepuya, Richie Talboy, Winter Vanderbrink, Isabelle Wenzel.

Published by Lampoon Magazine
432 pages
244 x 323 mm
ISBN 9772420798997




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